Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Featured on ANCA Radio....

Hi again today I was featured on ANCA radio with friend Leo Gregory,here is my interview! 


Here is more info about Leo's organization Autistic Naturally! feel free to join the community today! :)  http://www.naturallyautistic.com/  as Dr.Temple Grandin is an ambassador for the organization too! 

Autism Reliable News Sources

Hello again! here my links for Autism (& Spectrum) friendly news & information sources, these sites are well balanced sites, that post the positives to Autism as well as the negatives  to balance things out. I often use these sites for posting my the news on my facebook profile/twitter etc.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page (type in what your looking for)
http://www.facebook.com/groups/294160080597337/ (Buttons & More Facebook Group run by Richard S. Bolster)
these are just some sites I recommend, for your viewing pleasure! thank you! :)